You should check this out if you have interest in managing organizational politics. There is some political degree that is at play in virtually every company or department. But what exact are organizational politics? These are something involving employees being able to engage in the activities that are designed to advance their career above the betterment of the company.
Indeed, this is dynamic among some companies but only few are totally immune to it. Truth is, 65 percent of workers that were surveyed said that taking part in workplace politics is essential to move up in the corporate ladder.
The challenge among managers is left unchecked; negativity resulted from overly competitive workplace creates toxic atmosphere that eventually erodes employee’s morale and undermining their retention efforts.
However, having a bit of friendly competition amongst the team yields to something good. But you should know that there is this fine line between promoting a healthy workplace that could lead to rivalries and acrimony and one that is driving stronger team performance.
Become Effective in Managing Organizational Politics
Employees actually feel as if they ought to engage in political jockeying to be able to get their best foot forward, or perhaps at least to stay relevant. Even if you already know what the answer is, still make the effort to do observation and ask questions.
Step back and evaluate the environment from the point of view of your perspective. Are the career paths and roles defined clearly? Are the public promotions and praise tightly connected to performance or is it coming down to who is the best self-promoter? Before addressing any issues that are surrounding organizational politics, it is imperative to see the situation straight from the vision of your team.
Keep a Close Monitoring
In order to become effective, politicians should make the effort to stay in touch with challenges and problems that are affecting their constituents. The same can be said with the relationship between employees and managers. So with regards to workplace politics, ignorance isn’t bliss.
Have concerted effort to stay attuned to current mood of your staff and encourage employees to reach you out with whatever concerns they have.