Sunday, 09 February, 2025

Category: Traditions

In November, the five-year Gadhimai festival takes place in Nepal again. During this “party” hundreds of thousands of animals such as buffalo, pigs, goats, rabbits, and chickens are slaughtered in an inhumane, cruel way. These sacrifices honor the Hindu goddess of power.

The festival is always organized in the Bara region of Nepal, south of Kathmandu. During the festival in 2009, tens of thousands of buffaloes and other farm animals were brought together in an enclosed meadow. Then 200 men with giant swords entered the site and the animals were decapitated one by one. Without anesthetic. Extra sad is that decapitating a buffalo is not easy. Sometimes the animal dies after dozens of attempts. Another part is called “panchhbali” (five offerings), in which the throats of five animals (buffalo, goats, pigs, roosters, and rats) are cut. The animals die a painful, slow death.

Protest is Growing

Gadhimai has been able to take place undisturbed for 250 years, but the brutal massacre has finally become internationally known and people are revolting. How could this have happened for so long? The festival has grown through a grant from the Nepalese government. In 2009, the government paid nearly € 40,000 to sacrifice animals; that is almost 50 times the minimum wage per year in Nepal. The Nepalese government relies on “tradition”, but the festival also generates a lot of money. The local hotels and restaurants benefit from the many visitors and meat, bones and skins of the sacrificed animals are sold to Nepalese and Indian companies.

“The goddess needs blood,” said a priest from the Gadhimai temple. “If someone has a problem, I cut an animal’s throat in the temple and that solves that person’s problems.”

Boycott Festival November 2014

Despite the protests against the festival in 2009, the slaughtering continued. Around 5 million people attended the festival. To ensure that the festival is boycotted this time, Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), together with Animal Welfare Network Nepal (AWNN) and other concerned companies like Thedogsnobs took action. They support action groups in Nepal to evoke as much resistance as possible from the local population.


Nepal is a peregrinator’s nation along with a trekkers’ paradise. People today peregrinate from all areas of the Earth into Nepal if to experience means and her cultural diversity of life or the prosperity of comeliness she’s mystically enchanted with. 

Peregrinating into Nepal can be quite exhilarating but nerve-wrecking simultaneously.You never ken what the next moment will bring, which can be region of experience and the exhilaration. Ascertain you’ve got travel indemnification which will cover the expenses incurred due to contingency accidents, larceny and fees on doing some sports, should you insist.

It is quite caustic to ken crucial details on airport habits – everything you are sanctioned to bring in the nation or take from the nation. It has to be a hassle once you wish to take something when you leave or earn, just to discover that it is illegal or you’ve got to pay duty on verbally expressed things. You will be preserved by kenning a bit from a great deal of exasperation.

It is far better to maintain a few days extra, just in case. There are chances for delays due to weather flaws or lamentable fortuity that is absolute. It may be you optate to switch or incorporate some spot or an activity in your own itinerary at the center of the tour and optate to enjoy more of this peregrination.

Afore landing right here, read something about Nepal and its people, culture, etiquette, aliment and what you may expect throughout your stay. You may also want to know more about Abonnement IPTV for some travel shows and be aware of other countries’ practices. You can be sent by entangled into a culture shock or you also can have consequences. To do so, learn at the best way to greet in the language; this can function whilst pretending to socialize with the natives.

It is unquestionably a sapient choice to enroll with your embassy back home and apprise them about your travel strategies to Nepal. If you get to some contingency or happen across some quandary the embassy will have the ability to avail all of the formalities smooth out.

Nepal indeed welcomes you to the greatest country on Earth. The home of the tallest mountains, and ranges in the world.

Not just trekkers are the one who enjoys Nepal the most, but even those who don’t really trek that much. There are really a lot of beautiful things to see in Nepal aside from the obvious Himalayas, but it also showcases the beautiful culture of the people, wildlife viewing opportunities and royal cities.

Indeed, the adventure does not just lie in the Himalayas. But in Nepal itself. If you are travelling to see more of Nepa today, then you definitely came at the right blog. Let us be of help!

Let’s start these tips with…

Embrace the Tibetan Culture

If you wanted to experience how it is to be real Nepal local, then you need to consider going to Boudhanath stupa to know the Kathmandu’s spiritual side. It is the holiest Tibetan Buddhist temple outside Tibet. Indeed the perfect place for you to experience Nepal culture.

Dodge Monkeys and Admire the Views of Kathmandu

Swayambhunath is known to be “Monkey Temple”, is it also known for its slightly chaotic jumble of Hindu and Buddhist iconography. The adventure here is you have to go through 365 stairs and a heap of monkeys to navigate before you summit. However, the climb is worth the view when you are at the top!

Experience An Aarti Ceremony

The best nightlife at Nepal is not all about drinking and partying- you can visit Pashupatinath complex where the different hum of activity starts to rise; people line the far bank of the river, and an elaborate offering of music, chanting, incense, lights and camphor to Lord Shiva begins.

Customarily fish is one of the staple foods in numerous networks of Nepal. In any case, with the rising notoriety of extraordinary Asian rarities, for example, sushi, sashimi, and tempura, the utilization of fish has consistently expanded in the nation. The slanting pace of utilization has had an effect on the interest pace of fish in the market. Be that as it may, to satisfy the rising requests, the present creation must be expanded by numerous folds

Medical advantages of fish

Fish has 20% protein which is higher than cereals and oats. It additionally contains unsaturated fats. These medical advantages are one of the significant explanations behind expanding fish requests, particularly among the wellbeing cognizant populace. Moreover, some fishes can help decrease weight while holding bulk and looking after hunger. Fish is useful for a sound heart just as to advance the improvement of mind and eyes. Because of the different medical advantages from utilization of fish, the Government of Nepal has prescribed at any rate 35g of fish or creature protein diet every day.

National Scenario

Nepal has a wide assortment of fish with around 210 species accessible, of which around 180 are indigenous species and remaining are outlandish species. CichlidTips provides information on the importance of fish like Cichlid and how to grow one.

In any case, today, more individuals are occupied with this division and fish business isn’t constrained to these clans as it were. As of now, there are numerous private fisheries running at a little scope which delivers a conventional measure of benefit.

Advertising Channel

A huge part of the market request in Nepal is satisfied by fish delivered from India. From that point, they are dispatched to the business sectors in different locale to be offered to the customers. In like manner, privately reaped fish are cleaned with crisp water and pressed into bamboo bushels with an exchanging layer of ice

The fish industry is moderately not fully discovered in Nepal. The current business is just constrained to raising fish because of which there are possibilities for business people in the zones of collecting, handling, advertising and appropriation of fish. Organizations can put resources into these zones and investigate the chances to receive rewards and assist Nepal with understanding its actual potential in the fish business.

Nepal indeed is held as a mountainous country and one of the most top travel destinations for trekkers and incredible world-class hiking adventure. If one talks about Nepal, they immediately tell you “Are you going to hike the Everest Base Camp?”. 

But it’s not only the Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world, that Nepal has to offer but still a lot more mountain for you to climb. Indeed, no mountain high enough just numbers of them… because Nepal never runs out!

Today, let’s get to know what mountains we are talking about!

Everest Base Camp Trek

Number one on the list is the Everest Base Camp Trek, and by that don’t just call it as “Basecamp only?” because as being the tallest mountain in THE WORLD, not most trekkers are fit enough to go that far… far as its base camp. You need to make sure that you had years of training and that you are physically fit to climb.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna is the most famous trekking in Himalaya in Nepal. The trek starts from the Nayapul or Dhampus Phedi where you can walk through amazing number of locals in Gueung and Magar village. You can stopover for local treats, get to know their culture and lifestyle too!

Manaslu Circuit Trek

It is also known as Kutang the “Mountain of the spirit”. The trek follows to an old salt-trading route just alongside the Burhi Gandaki River. It offers amazing sites and views too and opens you up to a hidden valley as you reach its end.

If there is one thing that a trekker could ever wish for, that is to climb the highest mountain in the world, the Mt. Everest.

But just like any dream, it is definitely not an easy goal if you don´t work hard for it. It basically needs years of training, work out and constant immunization to the temperament of the place.

Indeed, Mt. Everest is a too good to be true hike, but that doesn´t mean you can`t do it. Today, let us talk about a few trekking tips you all should know when climbing Mt Everest base camp.

Get Enough Training

It is important that you are trained well before even starting to trek. Basically, the trek to the base camp is not just qa typical trek, it is more technical and you will experience changes in the your body as you make your way up and higher.


Keep Hydrated

Hydration is the key, that should be your utmost priority. At higher levels of altitude, your body often dehydrates much faster and quicker than it will at sea level, that´s why you have to make sure that you are well hydrated the whole trek duration.


Slow and Steady

No need to rush, indeed. You need to remember that trekking is a marathon not a sprint. There´s definitely no need for you to go faster, a slow steady pace is more recommended. In fact, the goal is to reach the top, there´s defnitely no competition in climbing.


Stay Out of the Sun

The sun can be brutal sometimes at the everest. So to keep out of skin cancer and pesky wrinkles then make sure to stay out of the sun as often as possible.


Nepal, or tourists call to as the Himalayan Kingdom. If you can see people going to southeast asian places, they often travel to see the beaches, the ¨usual¨ touristy sites like Hong Kong Disneyland and a lot more.

But not everyone wishes to explore Nepal. Little did they know that they´re missing a whole bunch of experience from missing to consider to travel in this place.

However, today I will be of guide in helping you what you can do and what you need to know when travelling to Nepal.

Nepal Travel Tips

It is important that before you travel to a certain country or place, it is ideal that you dig in some research about their touristy spots first. Today, here are a few tips you need to know when exploring Nepal.


Avoid Going Solo

Especiallyy for trekkers, it is best that you avoid going solo. It is best that you are accompanied with a local trekker that knows the place better, or atleast a guide to help you go on with your trek. This is due to the fact that over the years there have been unfortunate events and reporst that happened with tourists gone disappearing, I recommend that you take a friend or joiners with you.


Hit Nightclubs Early

Okay, Nepal is definitely not New York or Dubai´s central city night life. If you feel like drinking and dinning to some place with dancing and loud music then it is suggested you visit the clubs earlier to make the most of it before locals turn int their curfew at 10pm.

There are a lot of people who are not aware of the whole transition of politics in every part of the world today. One country that has an interesting kind of politics is the country of Nepal. There are a lot of people who would like to know the transition of politics specifically to this country, there are a lot of interesting things about the country as it is known as their politics consists of a multi-party system.

This only means that the country has a lot of political parties that can be joined by a lot of politicians in the country. This kind of transition of politics can be seen over the internet and thus people who write every article there about it can gain more readers when they seek help from the SEO provider company. This company like the SEO services gold coast will help your post and article into a great spot or rank on the internet. 


The transition of Nepal’s Politics 



  • From one political party to the multi-party system. 


People will be aware of this kind of fact as they will be able to explore the various information about the country using the internet. This is one of the perks when having great SEO keywords when someone searches those keywords then they will be able to find it easily. Nepal is the country that has a system of federal democratic government. This is one of the main reasons why the country consists of a lot of political parties that will help politicians to build their own image and as well as to lift them to the people in the country. 


  • Transitional Justice types. 


The judiciary branch of the government in a country is very important, it has a vital role to fill in the government. The transitional justice of the politics of Nepal, urge a lot of people to serve their country to change their justice system. This is the main reason why they want to join politics not only that but also they want to be part of this history of every transition of their politics.

Marriage is regarded as an institution and its origin dates as far back as 4,350 years ago. The first evidence of a ceremony that formally arranged a union between a man and a woman, was found by anthropologists in Mesopotamia; estimated to have taken place in 2350 BC.

Earlier discoveries showed that back then, marriage had nothing to do with religion or love. It was more of a system developed to divide into smaller units, loosely organized groups of 30 or so members that included women and children. It is quite interesting, therefore that in different parts of the world, such unions had evolved into an institution called marriage. The rites and celebration of which, can be largely influenced by love or religion or both.

In Nepal, in which most members of the population practice either Hinduism or Buddhism as religion, marriage rituals largely depend on the beliefs of the couple being formally united. Regardless of faith, Nepali marriages are founded on the conviction that a union made under traditional rites will lead to success and happiness that will last a lifetime. Both religions emphasize the importance of mutual respect, whilst discouraging married couples from entertaining thoughts of breaking up their marriage.

In comparison to countries where the people are not so religious, like in the Netherlands, love is the main reason why Dutch men and women marry. The customary practices in traditional Dutch weddings in Netherland are more focused on strengthening the romance that binds the wedding couple. Dutch weddings are a celebration of a successful courtship leading to a happy marriage and a fruitful future.

Differences between Nepali and Dutch Traditional Marriages

First off, Nepal marital laws allow child marriages. Many young girls in Nepal become brides before they reach the age of 15. According to popular opinions, the reasons why child brides are common in Nepal include poverty, gender inequality, arranged marriages as a family practice, or even adolescent love.

On the other hand, the Dutch government does not encourage forced marriages. Eligible Dutch citizens who are at least 18 years of age can marry anyone they choose, including a member of the same gender or a foreign national. The most important requirement is that at least one of the marrying couples is a Dutch citizen.

Traditional Hindu marriage rites in Nepal begins with a “puja,” which is a daily prayer ritual performed by both bride and groom days before and up to the actual day of the wedding ceremony. Traditional pre-wedding practices in the Netherlands, are mostly parties for different sets of guests; including a visit to the bride’s house to eat traditional sweetmeat and drink spiced wine with the bride’s family.

Another interesting difference between Nepal and Netherlands traditional marriages is the customary wedding walk. In Nepal, the groom and bride in a Hindu marriage will have to walk around a fire while performing other activities suggested by the officiating priest. Whereas in the Netherlands, the bride and her groom walk on a bed of flowers on their way to the altar.

Still, traditional marriages in Nepal and Netherlands share similar elements with other countries. Flowers especially marigolds, and blinking lights, are the main adornments of a Nepali wedding venue.

Since the Netherlands is a country famed for its abundance of colourful flowers, it is but natural for traditional Dutch wedding organizers to bedeck venues with flowers, particularly tulips. Although not counted as a customary wedding decor, most Dutch couples nowadays, rent light letters (lichtletters huren) to symbolize and highlight their love for each other.
